Wholesaler Rewards
Get exclusive savings each time you shop the Directions range.
Save with every order
Start off with immediate discounts and power your way through the loyalty ranks to get bigger, better benefits on our entire range. It’s a little something to say thanks to the thousands of wholesalers helping us bring vibrant, vegan and cruelty-free colour to the world. Sign up and start saving.

Blue Tier
Our Blue rewards membership means that you’ll receive exclusive benefits on every order, however much you spend.
What you get:
- 5% off every order
- Priority wholesaler-only offers
- Speedy checkout
- Easy access to order history

Gold Tier
For wholesalers with over £1000 in orders, Gold membership gives you 10% off every time you shop for the next year, plus all the benefits that come with blue.
What you get:
- 10% off every order
- Priority wholesaler-only offers
- Speedy checkout
- Easy access to order history

Platinum Tier
As a thank you for spending over £10,000, Platinum card holders receive 20% off every purchase for the next year as well as the benefits of Blue and Gold.
What you get:
- 20% off every order
- Priority wholesaler-only offers
- Speedy checkout
- Easy access to order history

Diamond Tier
For true colour champions, Diamond is the very top tier... Exclusively reserved for wholesalers with over £50,000 in orders, you’ll get every benefit in our entire Loyalty Program along with a massive 25% off every order for a year.
What you get:
- 25% off every order
- Priority wholesaler-only offers
- Speedy checkout
- Easy access to order history